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Meet The 2023 Independent Judging Panel

Posted by Oli Rebbeck on 24 February 2023


The independent judging panel for the Yorkshire Financial Awards 2023 is close to being confirmed in full.

Seven judges have so far kindly agreed to receive, review and run the rule over your achievements from the past year once the entry deadline passes on 24 February.

They represent local and national financial services and related associations, institutes, and trade groups and will use their experience, expertise, and capacities to judge 2023 award submissions against the new Q&A criteria.

The seven judges are sitting on the panel in their capacities as executives at or members of:

  • STEP Yorkshire
  • Insurance Institute of Leeds
  • Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment
  • Personal Investment Management & Financial Advice Association
  • Intermediary Mortgage Lenders Association
  • Institute of Directors West Yorkshire
  • Women in Banking & Finance

The independent panel of judges is chosen each year, comprised of experienced professionals. The panel is carefully selected through a fair and objective selection process and includes experts from across the financial services sector.

The judges, who give their time for free to judge the awards, are bound by a strict confidentiality agreement and are required to declare any conflicts of interest.

One or two more judges are likely to be confirmed in the next two weeks, as we head toward the entry deadline.

Click here to find out who the 2023 judges are

If you have any specific questions not covered here, please do get in touch with the Yorkshire Financial Awards team.

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